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    "뇌를 통합하자"
    "혁신적인 뇌 진화 : 위기의 뇌, 뇌를 진화하자"

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      "보통아이를 영재로
                 영재를 창의적 인재로"

        뇌 통합3단계

        뇌 통합과정은 모두 3단계로
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            연락처만 남겨주세요. 최대한 빨리 연락드리겠습니다.

              The difference between expectations and desires for children(Neurofeedback, Neuroharmony)
            • 2021-11-27 [17:41] | 수지센터 | HIT: 3683

              You must have heard of subtractive and additive mixing, which states that the three primary colors of color converge to black as they are mixed, and that the three primary colors of light become white as they are mixed. ​

              I know it's difficult as a parent, but there are a lot of assumptions that become more problematic the more you edit them. ​ It seems that the children of other people grow up easily, but there are many parents who stay up all night thinking that their children are only rotting inside.

              If the child is yellow, put it in yellow, if it is green, leave it in green. Parents' greed is like a black hole, The yellow child is painted with the parent's color, and the green child is just trying to paint over it with the parent's color. ​

              As children grow, they experience pain from time to time. As they grow up, their ego gets stronger and they don't follow their parents' opinions and just try to get away with it. ​

              After being painted over due to the greed of the parents, the yellow child suddenly runs out. Seeing the yellow jump out, the green jumps out too. ​ These children are trying to grow up to their original form, but it is the parents who are surprised and bewildered. ​

              During counseling, unexpectedly healthy children come to visit by their parents who are blinded by greed. It is visible to third parties, but invisible to the parents themselves. ​

              The yellow child asks why it is not black. She complains that she has always been black, but one day it suddenly turned green. ​ Some people do not realize that the child is not black until after a long period of labor.

              There are parents who realize for a moment and then paint over black again if their child follows their parents for a moment. ​ There are times when I can't even breathe when I'm having a conversation.

              If you tell me to take one pill, you have to take one pill. However, he says he wants to eat two eggs. ​ It is the essence of "greed" that one becomes medicine and two becomes poison. If one pill is enough, that's it. That's probably what Yellow and Green want. ​

              *** Balance parent and child with Neuroharmony Neurofeedback training. Like the three primary colors of light, create a wonderful balance where each exists and focuses on each other. ​ Neuroharmony is by far the best for home neurofeedback training.

              purchase inquiry. 010-3390-5902



              Panaxtos Neuroharmony S20 Bluetooth Wireless Neurofeedback System Improves Attention : 뉴로하모니 브레인코리아

              Neurofeedback ADHD Tic Disorder Attention Concentration Memory Improvement Anxiety Panic Obsessive Compulsive Depression Insomnia





              파낙토스 수지센터 블로그 ​​​https://blog.naver.com/cogbrain
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